Day 23: Matthew 1: 18-25 - God's Option

23rd December 2015

When Joseph found out that Mary was pregnant, a public announcement of their marriage had already been made. This could only be broken through death or divorce. The options that Joseph faced seemed bleak: either divorce or have her stoned. As Joseph was a righteous man he decided to divorce Mary quietly to avoid public disgrace to her and her family.

The angel of the Lord presented Joseph with another option. God’s option was for Joseph to marry Mary and become the father of the child she was carrying, because Mary had done nothing wrong, and the child had been conceived from the Holy Spirit.

Although Joseph knew that there would be disapproval of his decision, he went ahead with what he knew was right and responded to God.

Joseph showed righteousness, discretion, sensitivity and responsiveness to God in the way he handled the situation. As we read about Jesus’ life on earth, the same characteristics are demonstrated in the way He deals with situations and people.

God chose Joseph to be Jesus’ earthly father for a time, because he would be a good role model for Jesus as He grew up. What sort of role models are we? How would our behaviour be described by God and others?

Siobhan Johnston