Day 25: Isaiah 7:14 - Jesus, the most important signpost

25th December 2015

One of the few sentences that I remember from my days of learning German at school, is asking how best to get to the railway station. Asking for directions in a different language can be the easy part, as you are in control of the phrasing of the question. The difficulty arises when the person
you are speaking to then responds! While you know how to translate the question, you perhaps were not ready for an answer that was not in the text book, and confusion is created!

For those who do not know Jesus, and even for those who do but need a reminder, then even though you may have heard about God (the destination), you may not understand the directions of how to get there. That is where Jesus comes in. He explained and showed us in ways that we can follow by coming to earth, sharing the same existence as us and becoming “the way” in person.

Christmas is a time when we reflect on Jesus’ birth. The question is: do you see Him as the most important signpost you could ever follow, or simply as a baby born the same as you or me?

“I was nowhere, You came to my rescue,
from the grave I’ve been raised.
When I needed a Saviour to save me,
Jesus, You made a way.
I was blind, but these eyes have been opened; now I walk in the light.
Every step on this road I will follow,
Jesus, You made a way.”
(The Way by Worship Central)


Diane Davidsion