
Sermon Search

Last Sunday

The King is Crucified - Luke 23: 26 - 49 - (Video) - Gary Blair - Morning Service
Take Care to Live for God - Titus 3: 8 - 15 - (Video) - Kenny Douglas - Evening Service
To live well for God in an ungodly culture requires Christians to be careful in how they live. Careful to what they are devoted to, we might say what we worship. Also careful about how we speak and what we say. The bottom line for Paul is fruitfulness.

Sermons by Series

2 Thessalonians
Cultivating an appetite for the things of God
Going Against The Flow
Know Jesus + the power of His ressurection
As the time approached for Him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem. Luke 9:51
Hope Joy Peace
Proverbs: Wise Up
Life in Christ | The Book of Philippians
Mission: Local | The Book of Acts
Jesus: Hope for a Broken World | All-Age Service Series 2015
Who Is Your God?